Reykjavík City's consultation forum for religious and secular communities

Teikning af manneskju sem stendur í stiga og tengir saman tvo af fjölmörgum punktum.

Reykjavík City's consultation forum for religious and secular communities establishes a communication channel between the City of Reykjavík, religious organizations, secular organizations, and individuals with diverse viewpoints.

Purpose and objectives

The City of Reykjavík prioritizes equality, human rights, and collaboration with its residents in its roles as an authority, employer, and service provider. All City institutions actively and systematically work to develop services, cultural activities, education, and information dissemination that promote equality and a diverse society, ensuring equal access and participation for everyone on their own terms.

The objective of Reykjavík City's consultation forum for religious and secular communities is to foster communication between the City of Reykjavík, religious organizations, secular organizations, and individuals with diverse perspectives. This forum aims to enhance mutual respect and understanding among different groups, as well as address the challenges faced by these communities.

The consultation forum

The consultation forum serves as an advisory body to the Office of Human Rights & Democracy on matters and interests of its constituents. The agenda of the meetings should include issues that participants in the consultation forum have requested to be addressed. At the meetings, participants should have the opportunity to present their views and draw attention to the challenges faced by their constituents.



Religious and secular associations in the capital area, registered in accordance with Act No. 108/1999 on Registered Religious Associations and Secular Associations, are invited to nominate representatives to sit on the consultation forum on their behalf. In addition, the Church of Iceland may nominate a representative, according to Act No. 77/2021 on the Church of Iceland.

The Office of Human Rights & Democracy of the City of Reykjavík calls for nominations and oversees the consultation forum.

Meeting minutes and representatives

Contact us

For further contact, you can contact a project manager at the Office of Human Rights & Democracy