Grant for necessary dental care

Residents who have received financial assistance for 12 consecutive months are entitled to a grant for necessary dental care. The grant amount is up to 80,000 kr. per year.

Am I eligible for the grant?

If you have received financial assistance for 12 of the last 18 months and need necessary dental care from a dentist practicing in Iceland, you are entitled to a grant for dental care.

How do I apply for the grant?

You can apply for the grant for necessary dental care on My Pages

You can also fill out a PDF application and send it to or submit it at your local service center.

What happens next?

After the application for the grant for necessary dental care is received, it is checked whether you meet the conditions of the Rules on Financial Assistance. Your application will either be approved or denied.

If the application is approved, you can receive dental care from a dentist and submit the invoice to The grant amount can never exceed 80,000 kr. per year. If the cost of dental care exceeds the grant limit, you will need to pay the difference.

If your application is denied, and you believe there are exceptional circumstances, you can request a review by the Welfare Council Appeal Board.

How long is the grant valid?

The grant for necessary dental care is valid for three months from the date of approval. This means that you must receive dental care and submit the invoice within three months from the approval of the application. The invoice should be submitted to the email address

You can ask the dentist to send the invoice directly to the email address.