Food markets and temporary operating permits

Food markets (multiple food stalls in one location) and independent food stalls require operating permits from the Municipal Health Inspection. Food market stalls need individual operating permits from the public health authority. The Food Act prohibits starting permit-required operations without a valid permit.

Temporary operating permits

Outdoor food markets and stalls in Reykjavík need a use permit from Reykjavík City's Department of Environment and Planning. With a use permit, operators (businesses or individuals) must apply for a temporary operating permit from Reykjavík Public Health. Temporary permits are valid for up to three months. The permit includes specific conditions for the market/stall/tent. General operating conditions also apply.

June 17th

Special rules govern stalls/tents in Reykjavík's city center on June 17. The Reykjavík Scout Association has a permit from the Reykjavík Public Health to run markets that day. They rent tents to interested parties. Renters must meet the rules and permit conditions. They don't need a separate temporary operating permit from the public health authority. Those not renting from the Scout Association must meet operating conditions and apply for a temporary permit from the Reykjavík Public Health.

General operating permits

Larger, fixed-location food markets (such as Kolaportið) have special conditions approved by Reykjavík's Public Health Committee. General permits for food markets and stalls/tents are valid for 12 years.

Street and square sales permits

Apply for permits for temporary sales in public spaces like squares, public parks, and sidewalks.

Occasional permits

Apply for an occasional permit from the District Commissioner of Greater Reykjavík for events at venues without a business license. Temporary alcohol service also needs a permit.

  • Apply a week in advance for events lasting less than 24 hours from the licensing department of the District Commissioner of Greater Reykjavík.
  • Apply at least 30 days in advance for events lasting longer than 24 hours.
  • For large events with about 3,000 people needing extensive preparation, apply at least three months in advance.

Specify the type of event in the application (for instance school dance, concert, dance party, outdoor festival, or Þorrablót).

  • Events on city land serving food need a temporary operating permit.
  • Events on city land not serving food don't need a temporary operating permit.

The Food Safety Authority provides statements on occasional permits to the District Commissioner of Greater Reykjavík.

Further information

Reykjavík Public Health fees: View the current fee schedule for Reykjavík Public Health.

For more information on business licenses, including occasional permits, contact the District Commissioner of Greater Reykjavík licensing department at 458 2000 or