Communications team and information sharing

The Communications Team develops strategies for communications and information sharing, and provides coordinated and reliable information about Reykjavík City and its operations.


  • Overview of information sharing for all City workplaces
  • Management of the Reykjavík/Reykjavík City brand - Shaping image, voice, appearance and content in external and internal communications
  • Editorial oversight of web and social media channels operated in the City's name
  • Production of diverse content about City operations and issues
  • Public relations: Overview and integration of all media communications across City departments and response to inquiries as needed
  • Collaboration and communication with residents, government agencies, institutions, organizations, individuals, and businesses domestically and abroad
  • Defining, coordinating, and managing crisis communications
  • Planning and management of major events, such as Menningarnótt, Winter Lights Festival, and June 17
  • Cooperation with other event organizers in the city and assistance with film shoots on city land
  • Professional advice to workplaces


Communications Director

Public relations officers