Communication, branding, and interactions

Need information or data related to communication, branding, or interactions? Here you will find various useful pieces of information for City staff, design and advertising agencies, media, and others involved in projects on behalf of Reykjavík or covering the city.
Style guide
It includes guidance on creating text and communications on behalf of the City of Reykjavík, information on the voice of Reykjavík, and standards for unified language and spelling.
Brand guide
It contains guiding rules and examples for the manifestation and presentation of the Reykjavík brand.
Hanna – design system
It provides various guidelines, a digital design standard, and design elements for those handling digital projects for Reykjavík City.
Reykjavík logo
We take pride in the Reykjavík logo and strive to make it recognizable, modern, and attractive. The visual presentation of the logo includes a coat of arms and the word Reykjavík in the correct color and font. Further information on using the emblem can be found in Hanna and the brand guide.

We have prepared slide templates for PowerPoint that City staff and others can use. The templates are based on the design standards of Reykjavík, so it’s vital to maintain the font, color scheme, and logo consistent. We recommend reviewing the tips for slides before getting started.

Reykjavík boasts countless beautiful manifestations that change with the seasons and weather. The photo library offers a multitude of images that reflect the diversity and personality of the city, available for use in city coverage, news articles, promotional materials, presentations, reports, and other city-related content.
We use illustrations to bring the content on the City's website to life. In the design system Hanna, you can find numerous images for use on the City's website, promotional materials, presentations, and more. You can also have original illustrations created following the design standard, with illustrator guidelines available in Hanna.
Social media
All social media channels operated under the name or logo of Reykjavík City should strive to provide clear and detailed information, share constructive and, when applicable, positive content relevant to the city’s residents.
Web content creation
The Hanna design system contains information on the appearance and layout of web content. The City's main website adheres entirely to Hanna, although there is more flexibility for special-purpose websites. The style guide offers detailed information about writing for the web.
Templates for reports
Are you preparing a report or other formal presentation materials? In Hanna, you can find convenient report templates that can be tailored to your needs.
Job postings
Are you hiring? Here you will find several versions of job posting templates created following Reykjavík City's design standard.
Media relations
Are the media getting in touch? The Communications Team and/or the public relations officer of the relevant departments provide advice on media relations. It's advisable to familiarize yourself with the protocol for these communications.
Press releases
Press releases from the City should follow a specific template and include the Reykjavík logo prominently. Detailed guidelines for creating press releases can be found in the City's style guide. Always inform the Communications Team or public relations officers in the relevant departments about plans for press releases and other promotional activities; they can also offer valuable advice and assist with information dissemination.
How can we help?
- The City's Communications Team provides assistance with information dissemination and communication. Contact us:
- The City's Web Division offers support with web issues and the arrangement of content on digital platforms. Contact us:
The Service Center responds to all general inquiries about the City's services by phone at 411 1111, via Live Chat, and through the email