Winter (school year) fees for after-school programs and youth centers

Professional development days

If you make use of the services between 8am and 1:30pm on parent days and professional development days or during Christmas and Easter break, you must pay for the extended attendance. On the above dates, children can still stay in the after-school programs/youth centers for disabled children from 1:30pm to 5pm. Separate registration is required for these dates. It is also possible to register after lunch attendance for children who are not registered to attend on that day of the week, and pay separately for them. Registration for extended days is binding after the deadline for registration and there is no sibling discount for the additional attendance these days.

Sibling discount

If two or more siblings attend a Department of Education & Youth after-school program or a youth center for disabled children or a city-run preschool, the older siblings receive a 100% sibling discount on their day care fees. In these cases, the baseline is the number of days/hours of the youngest child. Parents must always pay a fee for their youngest child. The same applies if the Department of Education & Youth pays contributions for a siblings or siblings at a private preschool or to a day parent, or pays contributions to a private primary school in respect of the operation of an after-school program under a contract therefor. Parents pay at most the food cost of 2 children for all school levels. The payment is made for the youngest child and while the older ones benefit from the discount. There is no discount for registration on extended days.

For discounts, all children must have the same legal address/related domicile at Registers Iceland. Discounts under these rules are granted, subject to all conditions, to the parent who, according to Registers Iceland, has the same legal address and related domicile as the child in an after-school program/community center for disabled children.


The application is valid for one school year at a time (August-June). If you wish to cancel the service, or request changes, you must do so by the 15th of each month and the cancellation will take effect by the next month. The service can be terminated on the Vala registration web site and by written notification to the manager.


Inquiries and suggestions

Full details are available at the relevant recreation center or from the Reykjavík City Service Center.

The staff of recreation centers is committed to doing their part with due care, but if you have any queries or improvement suggestions, please email