Youth Councils
The Youth Councils provide a forum for adolescents under 18 years of age to actively participate in community development and influence their local environment.
Six youth councils are working in the neighbourhoods. Six youth councils are working in the neighbourhoods. The term of office of each of them is one year at a time and begins on the first of October of each year.
The Youth Councils then have a forum for dialogue and cooperation, the Youth CoR.
That youth, under the age of 18, have a platform to participate actively and influence society even if they do not have the right to vote. Youth councils provide youth with opportunities to be heard, to submit suggestions to the city council, and to work on young people's issues in other ways.
To provide a forum and a means of enabling those under the age of 18 to make their views and suggestions known to the appropriate parties.
To provide participants with education and training in democratic practices and a platform to train for them.
The activities of councils are presented to the student councils of primary schools each autumn, either by representatives of the youth council or by a member of the council. At the same time, the project is presented according to the situation and needs of each neighbourhood. Among other things, open briefings are held to give guests an insight into the work of the councils and their many ways of doing it. The Youth Councils are an open forum for interested young people and they are not required to be elected or appointed by a school or community centre in order to take part in the work. The councils conduct their work as they deem best to achieve their objectives on a case-by-case basis. The Youth Council of each neighbourhood appoints two to four representatives to serve on the Youth CoR.
Main Tasks
The tasks of the Youth Councils are shaped by the issues of each passing moment and the tasks received by the Council from time to time. The Youth Councils take young people's tips on topics to whip into as well as others who want to approach the Councils for cooperation or consultation. The Youth Councils are working to provide tips on what can be done better to the relevant parties. The youth councils have representatives in the backgroups of all the population councils in Reykjavik.
Youth council staff is equally an employee of the recreation centre of the respective neighbourhood. Most neighbourhoods employ two workers with youth councils. Youth council members are represented on youth councils for their retention and trust, and therefore with experience working with young people, as well as knowledge of democracy and the structure of the CoR.
The CoR Council for Youth
Two to four representatives of each Youth Council are members of the CoR. The council has 16 representatives aged 13-18. The CoR meets regularly and decides which topics and tasks it is working on at all times.
Every year, representatives of the CoR meet with the city council and make proposals for improvements in matters concerning them. The National Council for Youth has an observer in the school and recreation councils and a representative in the management of children's cultural festivals. Representatives of the CoR have participated, from the outset, in conferences, congresses, working days and other diverse activities on behalf of the CoR, the Ministry of Education, the Ombudsman for Children, etc.