Talia Travel Fund

Talia is a foundation owned by the Icelandic Actors' Association, the Association of Playwrights and Screenwriters, the Icelandic Directors' Association and the CoR. The aim and purpose of the fund is to support the exhibition and promotion of Icelandic performing arts abroad, and the fund is intended for independent artists.
Who's Talia for?
Talia sponsors members of the Icelandic Actors Association, the Icelandic Director's Association and the Icelandic Composers and Screenwriters Association to perform and promote Icelandic performing arts abroad. Fund support consists of travel grants. The condition of Talia sponsorship is that candidates:
- are full members of any of the above companies;
- may submit documentation of projects on foreign soil confirming any of the following: a planned play, performance, concert or other conduct involving the media and promotional events on foreign soil;
- has not made the tour in question before submitting an application.
How to apply?
Applications should be submitted on specific forms found on the Talia affiliate sites. The applications shall contain a clear description of the project, information on the nomenclature and the role of each of the participants in the project. A contact person or agent for a project should also be indicated. Applications should be made to the Icelandic Actors Association at Lindargata 6, 101 Reykjavík, or by email at fil@fil.is. How high is the strength?
Each grant is valued at $55,000, but the fund management reserves the right to revise the amount for increase at any time.
Icelandic Actors Association
Talia is a foundation owned by the Icelandic Actors' Association, the Association of Playwrights and Screenwriters, the Icelandic Directors' Association and the CoR.

Good to know
- travel grants are limited to members of the above-mentioned companies and shall not be awarded to more than one person more than twice a year;
the - maximum number for each project is 10 travel grants;
the - fund is intended for independent artists and does not sponsor projects produced by governmental or private institutions run by public donation;
the - fund does not sponsor trips to meetings, participation in conferences, recordings and trips that do not include transfer to live performing arts; the
- fund administration is not permitted to consider applications from previous fund grant holders who have not submitted a report on
the previous award.
Any more questions?
The Icelandic Actors Association responds to inquiries about Talia.
- You can send an inquiry to fil@fil.is
- The contact
person for Talia is Hrafnhildur Theodórsdóttir, tel. 552 6040 or 863 7260
Icelandic Actors Association fil@fil.is