Reykjavík Botanic Garden
Days to enjoy!
The Botanic Garden is in Laugardalur
The garden is always open
Display greenhouse and gazebo opening hours:
- Summer hours: 10am–7pm
- Winter hours: 10am–3pm
- Telephone: 411 8650


Grown from grass - relationship between plants and insects - Monday, September 16 at 12pm in Reykjavík Botanic Garden
Jóhannes Bjarki Urbancic Tómasson leads a walk in the Botanic Garden about the close relationship between insects and plants. The tour covers unexpected aspects, from daily routines of bees to tree language and insect time perception.
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Café opening hours in September
Café Flóra is open daily until September 29 from 10am to 6pm.
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Climate Walk
The Climate Walk is an exhibit and guided tour through the Botanic Garden, discussing climate through the Garden's plants and their habitats and roles in reducing climate threats. The exhibit is sponsored by the Climate Fund and ends September 30.
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Would your group like a guided tour of the garden?
We warmly welcome school, professional, and social groups for custom-tailored tours all year round.
Book a visit by emailing us or calling 411-8650.

Café Flóra
Café Flóra presents sumptuous cuisine, accentuated by ingredients harvested from our own gardens. The Café is inside the Botanic Garden's display greenhouse, opens its doors for the summer season (May-August) while embracing a winter hiatus (September-April).