Planning & Transportation Council operated 2018–2022

Illustration of people working and talking at a table.

The Planning & Transportation Council operates on behalf of the City Executive Council in planning and transportation matters. Furthermore, the Planning & Transportation Council handles the matters of Reykjavík Parking Service.


The Planning & Transportation Council operated until 2022. The Department of Environment & Planning took over the Council's projects.

The Planning & Transportation Council processes tasks according to an addendum to the Resolution on the Management and of Reykjavík City and City Council Minutes, No. 1020/2019, in accordance with the authority in Article 42 of the Local Authorities Act No. 138/2011, without the ratification of the City Executive Council.

The Planning & Transportation Council shapes policy in planning and transportation issues, makes decisions, and submits proposals to the City Executive Council regarding its jurisdiction. Additionally, the Council oversees the operation of the Department of Environment & Planning and ensures adherence to approvals and strategic decisions under its jurisdiction. The Council also carries out other tasks as determined by the City Council. The Department of Environment & Planning is responsible for implementing the Council's policies and projects and communication with other City institutions.

The Planning & Transportation Council consists of seven representatives elected by the City Council for a one-year term each, along with an equal number of alternates. A party that has representatives on City Council, but not on the City Executive Council, may appoint a city councilor to sit in meetings of the City Executive Council with speaking and proposal rights.

The Planning & Transportation Council typically holds three to four meetings monthly, which take place at Borgartún 12-14.