Dugguvogur 46 - Temporary pedestrian bridge erected over Sæbraut
Stakeholder Presentation
At the Planning Officer's office meeting on June 29, 2023, a proposal was submitted to build a temporary pedestrian bridge with stair and elevator towers on both sides, made of prefabricated steel units over Sæbraut from the intersection of Snekkjuvogur and Barðavogur to lot 46 at Dugguvogur, according to drawings by Gláma - Kím dated May 17, 2023. The bridge is intended to be temporary until the construction of the Sæbraut Highway Cap is completed.
Stakeholders have the opportunity to comment
According to the second paragraph of Article 44 of Act No. 123/2010, stakeholders can comment on the proposal:
Property owners at Eikjuvogur 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 11, Snekkjuvogur 19, 21 and 23, Barðavogur 38, 40, 42 and 44, and Dugguvogur 46 and 44.
Tenants of properties on the above-mentioned lots are also considered stakeholders. Property owners should inform tenants about the proposal.
For more information, contact the Planning Officer, project managers Sigríður Maack and Ólöf Guðbjörg Söebech.
The presentation begins on July 21, 2023. Submit comments on the above proposal through the planning portal, www.skipulagsgatt.is, no later than August 21, 2023.
The Department of Environment & Planning uses personal data provided in planning comments, such as ID numbers, names, and email addresses, to process comments and identify residents. After the announcement period, documents are kept for 30 years before transfer to the National Archives of Iceland under Act No. 77/2014 on Public Archives. More information on Reykjavík City's handling of personal data is available here.
Note that comments are considered public documents in all planning processes. Residents' names may appear in Planning & Transportation Council meeting minutes online.