Ævintýraborgir - Fossvogsblettur 2-2A
At the Environment and Planning Council meeting on May 24, 2023, a planning description dated May 18, 2023, was presented for a new land-use plan for the Fossvogsblettur 2-2A lot. This planning description covers the hereditary lease lands at Fossvogsblettur 2 and 2A in Reykjavík. The purpose of the planning description is to provide information about the area, priorities and goals for the planning process, underlying assumptions, and the proposed planning process. The new land-use plan will include provisions for a preschool with up to 150 children. The Reykjavík City Museum conducted a house survey, which found that the residential buildings on the lots have medium preservation value. No specific proposal for their protection was made. An assessment of the vegetation in the area, which was previously part of a cultivation area in Fossvogur Valley, was also conducted. The new land-use plan proposes neighborhood preservation for the vegetation. Please submit suggestions or suggestions/comments no later than June 13, 2023, to skipulag@reykjavik.is
Access the proposal at www.reykjavik.is under planning in presentation.
Reykjavík Department of Environment and Planning