Hen keeping

According to Ordinance No 815/2014 on Hen Keeping in Reykjavík Outside Organized Agricultural Areas, hens may be kept, but you must apply for the permission of the Public Health Commission to keep hens in Reykjavík in accordance with Article 2 of Ordinance No 426/2003 on Limits to Livestock Keeping and Bans for Free Range Livestock in Reykjavík.
Neighbor consent
You must submit the written consent of neighbors who hold adjacent lots with your application. For multi-owner buildings you must also have the co-owners consent, see Act No 26/1994 on Multi-Owner Buildings. If the applicant is a tenant, the landlord's consent must be included.
Chicken coop location
The application must include a site plan showing the location of the chicken coop and fenced in area on the lot.
Licenses are issued for 4 years at a time.
Reykjavík Public Health Authority has prepared guidelines for waste disposal and other activities related to keeping hens in Reykjavík.
Inquiries and suggestions
Please contact Reykjavík Public Health Authority if you have suggestions or inquiries or call the City of Reykjavík Customer Service at 411 1111.