Consideration of LGBT+ matters in all public health surveys

Description of the action and objectives

Green Deal action

Questions about LGBT+ issues are to be introduces into all public health surveys for the Department of Education & Youth and Department of Welfare and Department of Welfare by the end of 2022.

Implementation period

Planned completion in the second half of 2022

Status: Completed

Status report on January 1, 2024

Action completed. Guidelines have been prepared and are available in Torgið, which is the eLearning system for Reykjavík City staff.

Older status reports

Below you can find older status reports with information on the progress of the action since its inception (if you're using your phone, it's better to turn it sideways).
Timing Progress description
July 2023

Guidelines have been prepared and are available in Torgið, which is the eLearning system for Reykjavík City staff.

July 2021 The outcome of the scenario analysis is four different yet powerful scenarios. Scenarios are data-driven stories about the future to make better decisions about the future today. It is an attempt to use a structured approach to envision possible futures and propose theories about future possibilities. These scenarios are not predictions of the most likely future city, but tools to help shape our plans and objectives towards the challenges that may arise. With these scenarios in mind, we can strengthen our resolve and prepare better to achieve our objectives.

Connection of action to Reykjavík City's policies: