Reykjavík City's Public Health Indicators

Description of the action and objectives

Green Deal action

Development of public health indicators and their publication on the web site. Every year, different indicators are selected, focusing on health and well-being factors that present opportunities for health promotion and prevention.

Implementation period

Planned completion in the second half of 2022

Status: Completed

Status report on January 1, 2024

Action completed. Indicators for the year 2022 have been published. The indicators are published annually and work on the indicators for 2023 will start in January.

Older status reports

Below you can find older status reports with information on the progress of the action since its inception (if you're using your phone, it's better to turn it sideways).
Timing Progress description
July 2023

Indicators for the year 2022 have been published. The indicators are published annually and work on the indicators for 2023 will start in January.

July 2021 Indicators for the year 2022 have been published. The indicators are published annually and work on the indicators for 2023 will start in January.

Connection of action to Reykjavík City's policies:

Reykjavík City departments: