Grafarvogur School Band
Dalhús 41
112 Reykjavík

Over 600 students are enrolled in the four school bands based in Reykjavík. The Grafarvogur School Band started in 1992 as a special project under the Education Office of Reykjavík and was formally established a year later.
The Grafarvogur School Band serves Borgarskóli, Dalskóli, Engjaskóli, Foldaskóli, Hamraskóli, Húsaskóli, Ingunnarskóli, Rimaskóli, Sæmundarskóli, and Víkurskóli.
- Director: Einar Jónsson
School calendar
Here you can find the school calendar for the Grafarvogur School Band. The calendar includes scheduled performances, meetings, and days off, along with other important information for students and guardians.

Do you want to get in touch?
Here you can learn more about the conductor and teachers.