Adolescent gender education – videos and websites
Here is a toolkit containing videos, websites, TV shows, animations, and podcasts that can be used for sex education at the adolescent level.
Women and politics
Here you can find various information about the women's movement and the history of Icelandic women's suffrage.

The Third Shift is a campaign by VR. Unpaid responsibility, supervision, and management of home and family care are often called the third shift or mental load. Invisible tasks that are undervalued and often taken for granted that women should handle more than men. Indeed, the third shift, this mental load, falls disproportionately heavier on women, even though they may be in a relationship (with a man) or in full-time employment. Women tackle the third shift and the mental load that hinders their job participation, career advancement, causes stress, strain and contributes to burnout, and it's a major source of conflict in heterosexual relationships. On the site, you can learn more about the third shift.
See Jane is a website by the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media. There you can find all sorts of material related to the representation of women in entertainment and the roles they are most often portrayed in.
Self-Image and Body Image of Children and Adolescents is a collaborative project of school counselors, teachers, nurses, and psychologists. The site contains various information about the self-image and body image of children and adolescents. It also has practical advice and fun projects to work on with children and adolescents throughout their primary school years.
The toolkit of the Gender Equality Committee of the Icelandic Teachers' Union is a website with tools for gender equality and education, divided by education levels.
Development and collaboration projects - on the Center for Language and Literacy website, there are reports on various development and collaborative projects for schools and recreational activities in the city's neighborhoods. They offer ideas for new projects and show what has already been accomplished successfully.
Tabú - feminist disability movement
Here you can find various information about the status of disabled people, human rights, personal stories, news, articles on feminist disability activism, and much more.

Various videos
Children Step Forward is a video by UNICEF where children come forward and discuss children's rights.
Dear Girls (Elsku stelpur) - The Hagaskóli's performance that won Skrekkur in 2015. A powerful performance that encourages girls to fight for equal opportunities and the same respect as boys receive. Subject: Equality - The women's rights movement
Ending Child Marriages is a short video in English aimed at raising awareness of the issue of child marriages around the world, and the impact it can have on both the girls who marry too young and the communities they belong to.
The Gendered Brain - here, Professor Gina Rippon discusses the effects of environment and upbringing on brain development and addresses various myths about male and female brains.
Why not? - a TV show that addresses gender stereotypes and discrimination in a comedic way. The show is the result of a project by the Directorate of Equality in cooperation with equality institutions in Estonia and Lithuania on the elimination of gendered stereotypes in relation to education and career choices.
Gender equality education must also be on men's terms - A segment from Kastljós in 2016 about men's participation and role in gender equality.
Moxie is a film available on Netflix about a young girl and her feminist journey as she starts publishing a feminist magazine and points out gender inequality in her school.
A video on racism that explains how racism affects the opportunities people have in life.
Sexism - here is a short video about gender inequality and its effects on people.
The Smurfette Principle - a short video in English discussing the Smurfette Principle. Very often in movies and series, the lead actors are male except for one woman, who is allowed to tag along.
The Road Home (Vegurinn heim) is an Icelandic documentary with interviews with five immigrant children in Iceland.
We Should All Be Feminists - Ted talk with Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie about gender stereotypes where she encourages everyone to be feminist. Beyonce used a part of this speech in her song Flawless.
Masculine ideal
Here are links to a short commercial (2 min) on the importance of positive male role models (ideal icebreaker for on masculine ideals), and a brief encouragement (1.5 min) urging boys and men to allow themselves to feel, cry, and seek help if they feel bad (ideal icebreaker on masculinity and emotions).
Here are links to Þorsteinn V. Einarsson's website on various aspects of masculinity and its impact on all of us, and to a short animation from Pixar (8 min) about toxic masculinity and the importance of celebrating diversity.
Objectification of women in advertisements
1. Objectification of Women is a short video in English about how women are portrayed in advertising and other media, and the effect it has on culture, opportunities, and women's well-being.
2. The Sexy Lie is a lecture that discusses how women are presented differently from men in ads and media, and its effects on women's feelings and self-image. Subject: Equality - Stereotypes
Gender-Based Violence - a call to men
1. A Call to Men - a short Ted talk with Tony Porter discussing how our culture promotes toxic masculinity.
2. Gender-based Violence - a talk on gender-based violence, the discourse surrounding it, and how men need to take responsibility and engage in the fight against it.
Societal appearance demands
1. Disney Stereotypes - a short video in Icelandic about Disney movies and gender stereotypes. Great to use as an icebreaker for projects or discussions on gender stereotypes and their effects.
2. Not My Responsibility - a short video featuring Billie Eilish discussing the pressure and scrutiny women face regarding their bodies and appearance.
1. SamfésPlús was created as Samfés' response and counteraction to the effects of COVID on young adults and their well-being. The first project of SamfésPlús is the podcast 'Young Adults and What?'
2. All Sorts (Allskyns) - Guðmundur Felixson and Hafdís Helga Helgadóttir explore various professions, their nature, and whether gender plays a role in them.