About the Public Health Authority

Reykjavík Public Health's role is to handle hygiene, food, and pollution control inspections in the city, promote robust environmental monitoring, and provide public education in Reykjavík. Reykjavík Public Health issues operating permits for activities requiring permits.
Reykjavík Public Health provides services and education to licensed businesses and residents regarding public health inspections and environmental monitoring. A record of inspections and results for licensed businesses and other inspections is maintained.
Reykjavík Public Health is divided into food inspection, environmental inspection, and monitoring units
Reykjavík Public Health operates on behalf of Reykjavík City's Public Health Committee. It enforces the Act on Hygiene and Pollution Prevention, No. 7/1998, Act on Foodstuffs, No. 93/1995, and other relevant laws and regulations. All municipalities in Iceland must operate public health authorities. However, municipal public health authorities are professionally independent administrative institutions with operational links to municipalities.
Legislation, Regulations & Ordinances
Main laws, regulations, and approvals followed by Reykjavík Public Health.
The environmental and resource appeals board and the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries handle public health authority/committee matters.
Decisions (appeals, opinions, or official statements) related to Reykjavík Public Health or Reykjavík's Public Health Committee are available.
Public disclosure
Public information related to Reykjavík Public Health activities, such as advertisements for polluting activities, valid operating permits, public health inspection results, air quality, and drinking water samples.
Annual reports
According to an addition to Article 46 of Act No. 7/1998 on Hygiene and Pollution Prevention from June 11, 2019, the public health committee must publish a report on main projects from the past year along with annual accounts.

Public Health Committee
Reykjavík’s Public Health Committee act under the City Council as per Article 45 of the Act No. 7/1998 on Hygiene and Pollution Prevention, in the manner detailed in this Resolution, the Resolution on the Management and of Reykjavík City and City Council Minutes, No 1020/2019 and as required by law.