Department of Welfare rules
- Reykjavík City Rules on Financial Assistance
- Rules for Support and Assistance Services for Disabled People with Long-term Support Needs
- Rules on Support Services
- Rules on Support for Children and Their Families
- Rules on Driving Services for Seniors in Reykjavík
- Rules on Shared Transportation Services for Disabled People in the Capital Area
- Rules on Social Housing
- Rules on Special Housing Aid
- Rules on Direct Debit Agreements
- Rules on Grants for Education and the Purchase of Tools and Equipment for Disabled People
- Rules on User-Controlled Personal Assistance (NPA) in Reykjavík City
- Rules on Welfare Council Grants
- Rules on Consultation and Responsibility Sharing Between Reykjavík Child Protection and Service Centers, 2009
- Rules on Accident Insurance for Children in Organized Activities Sponsored by Reykjavík City, 2008
- Rules on Reimbursement of Costs for Accidents and Damages Incurred by Children in Organized Activities Sponsored by Reykjavík City, 2008
- Explanations of the Rules on Reimbursement of Costs for Accidents and Damages Incurred by Children in Organized Activities Sponsored by Reykjavík City
- Reykjavík City Rules for Designated Parking Spaces for Mobility-Impaired People on Reykjavík City-Owned Land
- Rules on Payments from Reykjavík Child Protection for Special Support
- Decision of the Reykjavík City Welfare Council's Appeals Committee