Vocational education

Vocational education is for students in grades 9 and 10 of primary school who, due to specific hardships other than disability, are struggling with significant challenges in learning or a high level of dysphoria in school. This project is intended to improve the way students feel and give them the opportunity to show what they are capable of.
How does vocational education work?
Vocational education meets the needs of students who need to supplement traditional school attendance, for example, one day a week. The student's schedule is adjusted accordingly. The maximum number of working hours is 16 hours per month.
The education takes place at workplaces that are selected based on the student's interests. Several dozen companies and organizations participate in the project. Sometimes vocational education is offered within primary schools, where students assist with various tasks. At the end of the education, the student receives feedback from the workplace. Students in vocational education are paid by the City of Reykjavík while they are registered in the project.
How do I apply for vocational education?
Each primary school decides which students could benefit from participating in vocational education. Contacts at the school handle registration at the beginning of the fall semester.
Where can I get more information?
The project manager provides more detailed information:
Guðný Harpa Hilty Henrysdóttir
Telephone: 411 11 11
Located at West Center, Laugarvegur 77, 101 Reykjavík.
Email: Gudny.Harpa.Hilty.Henrysdottir@reykjavik.is