Tree Crops
Trees and shrubs growing beyond property lines can cause discomfort and even danger for pedestrians and drivers.
These points must be in order:
Reykjavík City urges garden owners to trim their trees. Trees should not obstruct pedestrians, hide traffic signs or reduce street lighting. Consider access for snow removal. Tree branches over sidewalks must be at least 2.8 meters high for snow removal equipment on days when branches sag under snow weight.
- Traffic signs must be visible.
- Vegetation must not block street lighting.
- Pedestrians and cyclists need clear paths on sidewalks.
- Where street sweepers and snow removal equipment operate, vegetation over paths must be at least 2.8 meters high.
- Where waste collection vehicles need access on sidewalks or paths, vegetation must be at least 4.2 meters high, similar to roadways.
Garden owners are responsible for their vegetation
Garden owners are reminded that according to building regulations, they must keep vegetation within property boundaries. It states, "The property owner must keep tree or shrub growth within the property boundaries. If not maintained, and where tree or shrub growth extends beyond property lines onto streets, sidewalks, or open areas, the road authority or area manager may remove the part causing disturbance or unsightliness, at the property owner's expense after prior warning. (Unofficial translation)”

Tree felling
A permit is required to fell trees taller than 8 meters or older than 60 years. Apply for felling by email to or send an application to the Department of Environment & Planning, Borgartún 12-14, 105 Reykjavík.