The Imagine Peace Tower

On Lennon's birthday, October 9, the Imagine Peace Tower is tended and lights up the evening sky through December 8, the day Lennon died in 1980. Sailing out to Videy is available, where you can experience a pleasant and, above all, peaceful moment at the trend.


Other days

The Imagine Peace Tower is also tended from winter solstice to New Year. For one week around spring equinox and on special holidays, which artist Yoko Ono and the CoR get together for.

About the artwork

The Imagine Peace Tower is the brainchild of visual artist, musician and pacifist Yoko Ono and is conceived as a beacon for world peace. The work is in the form of a "wishing well", from which rises a tall and intense sole of light. The words "Think Peace" are engraved in the well in 24 languages.


The light column is composed of different rays that combine in one bright light. Six of the light beams pass horizontally through a tunnel on a platform around the well and are retreated upwards by mirrors. The density of light emitted by the column is dependent on successive changes in atmospheric particles which behave in accordance with the varied weather conditions characteristic of Iceland.