Sex education – adolescent level – books and teaching material
Here is a toolkit containing books, educational materials, pamphlets, teaching ideas, coloring books, comics, and activities that can be used in sex education at the adolescent level.
Safe Together
Educational material from the Directorate of Health that discusses violence in intimate relationships, and the difference between healthy and unhealthy interactions and relationships. The material is available to schools for free. Contact the Directorate of Health to access the books.

The clitoris
Here you can find excellent educational material about the clitoris

Teaching ideas
Analyzing song lyrics - a teaching idea for 9th and 10th grade that involves examining messages in song lyrics.
Objectification of women - advertisements often portray women's bodies as lifeless objects or sex toys. Here is a teaching idea about the objectification of women.
Sexual violence against men - a teaching idea about sexual harassment and violence against men, which is often trivialized as a joke when it concerns serious and illegal behavior.
Stalking for love - movies often present skewed messages about love. Here is a teaching idea and a video clip on the subject
The male gaze - here's a teaching idea that examines 'the male gaze' in movies. The male gaze refers to when a woman's role on screen is primarily to please the male eye, and the camera caresses the woman's body as the eye of a heterosexual man. However, the camera only 'flirts' with young, slim, non-disabled cis women.
The Gender Unicorn and the Genderbread Person
Here are tools to teach children about the differences between gender identity, gender expression, and whom people are attracted to. Note that people can be anywhere on the spectrum. We might be mostly attracted to men, slightly to women, or non-binary people, etc. It's not always black and white, and certainly no reason to label everything as one or the other. It's perfectly okay to be all sorts!
About using condoms and dental dams
Here you can find educational material on condom use, which is the only contraceptive that also protects against sexually transmitted infections.
Magazines about sex
Here are magazines that are part of the sex education material 'Sex', covering many aspects related to sexuality. There are two magazines, with one geared primarily towards girls and the other towards boys.
Books that can be useful in teaching
Fávitabækurnar (The Idiot Books) by activist Sólborg Guðmundsdóttir. Initially, Idiots was a campaign against digital and other forms of sexual violence that started on Instagram, but is now in book form. Three books have been released and have been very popular among the youth. Subject: Equality – Feminism – Activism – Sexual violence
“Kvár”: What does it mean to be non-binary?' by Elísabet Rún Þorsteinsdóttir. The book discusses what it means to be non-binary, 'defining oneself outside the gender system; experiencing oneself as neither male nor female, both at the same time, or something entirely different.
The Little Book of Periods In this book by sex educator Sigga Dögg, you can read everything everyone needs to know about periods.