Application for events / other use

This can include film shoots, outdoor concerts, outdoor meetings, mass walks, sports competitions, and other types of events.

More about other uses

Other uses of city land include containers for moving, scaffolding, work lifts, cranes, other work equipment and so on.

Apply for outdoor dining on city land here:

Rules for signs on city land are covered by the relevant ordinance.

Work zone signage

Reykjavík City and the Road Administration require work zone signage to ensure worker safety, protect vulnerable road users with accessible pedestrian and bike routes, minimize traffic delays and maximize construction speed.

Standard drawings for various work zones are available in the guidelines from Reykjavík City and the Road Administration. A special drawing is required for situations involving more disruption to access and complex detours.

Work zone signage designers and those responsible for work zone signage must pass an exam from the Road Administration and Reykjavík City. Engineering firms or others with proper qualifications can also design and oversee work zone signage.

Permit holders must obtain signs and markers themselves. Those who don't own signs and markers can rent them from the City Land District Depot at Stórhöfði.

Details: Rules for Work Zone Signage. Standard drawings for work zone signage. List of parties with rights to work zone signage.

Inquiries and suggestions

For more information, contact the City Service Center at 411 1111 or

Inquiries and suggestions can also be emailed to or call the service center at the above number and leave a message.