The Greenhouse at Lækjartorg showcases the creativity of Reykjavík's gardening staff. Outside, snow showers or sleet may fall, but inside, spring has arrived. A stunningly beautiful floral ball gown floats above the floor.
"We had these flowers that we previously used in a wreath in the Greenhouse, but we wanted to do something different with them now," says Arna Kristjánsdóttir, a gardening staff member. At this time of year, the Greenhouse is so cold that only evergreen plants survive inside, making these beautiful flowers a valuable resource.
Floating ball gown
The idea originally came from brainstorming Halloween decorations. "We saw clever wire mesh sculptures that are transparent and look like ghosts," she says. This idea evolved into the magnificent ball gown. The flowers are attached to chicken wire shaped like a mannequin, forming a template for the dress. The ball gown looks like something from a Paris runway. The idea of creating a dress isn't surprising, given that Arna is a trained fashion designer.
"We thought we could create a floral dress on the wire mesh. We just started, and gradually this dress was born," she says. The dress is voluminous and heavy. It was challenging to transport, but they managed to hang it on wires so it now floats above the Greenhouse floor.
Magical and lively
Evergreen material was added to the wreath around the Greenhouse frame, then decorated with butterflies. "It gradually developed like this," Arna says about the overall look, which reflects the romantic spirit of the dress. Flowers in vases were added to enhance the colorful display.
The dress is tilted, enhancing its lightness and sense of movement, strengthening the magical feeling. Arna enjoys bringing color and life to the Greenhouse. "Children also enjoy looking at this; it's a bit magical. One can also start to look forward to spring," Arna concludes, a sentiment easy to agree with.
The Greenhouse is open from 8am to 3pm on weekdays, but the decoration is clearly visible through the glass if people want to view the creation at other times.