Officials decided to postpone the implementation of the Early Transition After-School Program pilot project, which began in summer 2023 and expanded in summer 2024. The project aimed to have children finishing preschool attend after-school programs during summer until primary school began.
Requires further preparation
The pilot project aimed to ease children's transition into primary school and create space for staff to meet children and parents before school activities began in full. The project also aimed to accelerate the intake of younger children into preschools.
The project succeeded but was extensive and requires further preparation and adaptation time. Evaluation of the project will continue, determining whether to implement it citywide or partially in the future.
The following workplaces participated in the pilot project:
- Primary schools: Borgaskóli, Breiðholtsskóli, Engjaskóli, Foldaskóli, Hamraskóli, Húsaskóli, Norðlingaskóli, Rimaskóli, Seljaskóli, Ölduselsskóli.
- After-school program: Bakkasel, Brosbær, Hvergiland, Kastali, Klapparholt, Regnbogaland, Simbað, Tígrisbær, Vinasel, Vinaheimar.
- Preschools: Bakkaborg, Brekkuborg, Borg, Engjaborg, Fífuborg, Funaborg, Hamrar, Hulduheimar, Hálsaskógur, Jöklaborg, Klettaborg, Lyngheimar, Laufskálar, Rauðhóll, Seljaborg, Seljakot, Sunnufold.