LGBT+ projects
Several diverse LGBT+ projects, including about the representations of LGBT+ individuals in cartoons and sports. This project can be utilized in LGBT+ education, sociology, sex education, equality education, and more.
About the project
Equality, LGBT+
Connection to the educational policy: Social skills
Type of material: Projects
Target group: 13-16 years old
Subjects: Equality, Human rights, Self-image, LGBT+
Assignment on queerness
Students choose one issue to explore – using at least two sources and citing them at the end of the project:
The depiction of LGBT+ people in cartoons. It's helpful to have a clear focus, such as on Disney films.
Radio show about villains in Disney movies „Some drag queen fantasy“. - The representation of LGBT+ people in sports, discussing Caster Semenya could be interesting
- Legislation on INTERSEX in Iceland and discussions on intersex, for example, checking the Amnesty International website.
Status of the LGBT+ fight in Poland
More about the status of LGBT+ people in Poland - Discuss the Ö to A site, cover the basics, and refer to what falls under the umbrella.
Discussing TRANS rights and the status of the transgender debate.
Book about the rights of transgender people in Iceland - Address how homosexuality appears in mainstream culture (mainstream media), here you could talk about Æði, Lil Nas X, or how 'homophobia' is depicted in rap or otherwise.
What should the assignment be like?
- First, discuss the topic in general - here you define terms and other concepts
- Subsequently, discuss the matter itself, starting with the general aspects and sources
- Then it's how you perceive it
- Finally, you summarize
- Use pictures and other fun elements to bring the material to life.