Disruptive technology in innovation

The effects of digital transformations on public service

EDIH-IS CoLab #4 along with the IMPULSE project invite you to a morning conference in English with lectures and panel discussions about the effects of digital transformations on public services for the European and Icelandic populace: electronic IDs and data deluge.

Time and place

City Hall Reykjavík, Tjarnarsalur, Thursday, September 21, 9am-12pm.

Light morning refreshments are available from 8:30am.


The streaming recording was made available after the event concluded

What is IMPULSE?

The IMPULSE research project focuses on the future of electronic IDs and data management in people's interactions with public services and institutions:

  • using blockchain for processing identifications and handling all data and smart contracts – so-called 'distributed ledger', not centralized. More about blockchains.

  • Personal information and data should be owned by the individuals themselves, not institutions.

  • In the future, residents of Europe could use a single electronic ID across the internal market's borders.

IMPULSE also experiments with facial recognition in electronic identification for those who prefer that solution over the most common electronic IDs today.

The IMPULSE research project is part of the City's Employment Development Team of the Office of the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer.

Illustration of a broken man on a stack of paper.