Housing for seniors and nursing wards

Reykjavík City is working on increasing and improving housing resources for older residents. Plans to build about 450 apartments for older residents are progressing well, in cooperation with the Fishermen's Day Council, Naustavör, Hrafnista, Grund, Sóltún, Seniors Housing Association and Seniors Rental Housing Association/Seniors Association. Reykjavík City has advocated for building nursing homes and increasing nursing wards in the city. Both depend on state contributions and approval.

Up to 344 new nursing wards in the coming years

The nursing home at Sléttuvegur 25 opened on February 28, 2020 with 99 beds. It is run by Hrafnista, a subsidiary of Fishermen's Day Council.

In spring 2021, the City signed an agreement with the Ministry of Health to build two nursing homes in Reykjavík.

  • One will be at Mosavegur in Grafarvogur with 132-144 nursing ward beds. It's expected to open in 2026.
  • A letter of intent has also been signed for the construction of up to 200 nursing wards at Ártúnshöfði.

465 apartments for seniors were built from 2018 to 2022

From 2018 to fall 2022, 292 apartments for seniors have been built.

  • Sóltún–Mánatún, 44 apartments. Sóltún.
  • Mörkin-Suðurlandsbraut, 74 apartments. Grund.
  • Árskógum 1-3, 68 apartments. Seniors Association.
  • Austurhlíð 10, 60 apartments. Seniors Housing Association.
  • Sléttuvegur 25-27, 60 apartments. Naustavör.
  • Hraunbær 103abc, 60 apartments. Dverghamrar.

The agenda calls for adding 20 assisted living apartments for seniors in Seljahlíð.

Collaboration for quality of life communities

The Housing Plan presented to City Council in fall 2022 shows 564 apartments/nursing wards in planning or development. In spring 2022, City Council approved pledges and letters of intent for up to 200 apartments at Ártúnshöfði, Gufunes and Leirtjörn west by the Seniors Rental Housing Association (Leigufélag aldraðra) and Seniors Housing Association (Samtök aldraðra).

It was also decided to advertise for partners and ideas to develop housing in the spirit of quality of life communities. These emphasize diverse housing forms. Owner-occupied apartments, right-of-residence apartments, rental apartments and possibly nursing apartments or nursing homes mixed with other housing for different age groups. The goal is to ensure an interesting and attractive environment, social interaction and safety while meeting different needs.