Energy transition - EV charging infrastructure at multi-owner buildings

Description of the action and objectives

Green Deal action

Reykjavík City and Reykjavík Energy have set up a fund intended to support multi-owner buildings in setting up charging infrastructure for electric cars. Reykjavík City and Reykjavík Energy annually contribute 20 million kr. each for three years to a fund to distribute grants to residential homeowners’ associations that set up charging equipment for electric cars. The aim is to support and accelerate energy transition.

Implementation period

Planned completion in the second half of 2022

Status: Completed

Status report on January 1, 2023

In 2022, support was given to 44 homeowner associations of multi-unit buildings. Since this project began, 3,250 dwellings have received charging stations on their plots.

Older status reports

Below you can find older status reports with information on the progress of the action since its inception (if you're using your phone, it's better to turn it sideways).
Timing Progress description
July 2022 In 2022, grants have been given to 35 homeowners’ associations in multi-owner buildings with a total of 972 apartments for the installation of charging stations for electric cars. The estimated cost of these projects is about 92 million kr., and the grant is expected to be around 45 million kr. Tenders for installation and operation of charging stations by street parking have been delayed due to legal disputes that are still under consideration by the Supreme Court. Still, groundwork has been completed at 22 locations this year, and they are ready for tendering once the legal processes end.

Connection of action to Reykjavík City's policies:

Reykjavík City departments: