Reykjavík City's Action Plan Against Violence 2022-2024

Description of the action and objectives

Green Deal action

The aim of the Action Plan is to get an overview of the numerous projects the City carries out in its work against violence. Its goal is also to serve as a guide and ensure that these specified projects are carried out.

Implementation period

Planned completion in the second half of 2024

Status: In progress

Status report on January 1, 2024

There is a long waiting list for entry into Reykjavík City's Rainbow Certification program. About 100 workplaces have received Rainbow Certification, with a similar number on the waiting list. The Rainbow Certification program was on hold as of January 1, 2024, due to staffing changes and workload pressures since the fall. The program resumed accepting workplaces off the waiting list at the beginning of 2024.

Older status reports

Below you can find older status reports with information on the progress of the action since its inception (if you're using your phone, it's better to turn it sideways).
Timing Progress description
July 2023 Several ongoing actions are in place this year. These include education about violence, collecting and publishing statistics, and providing information about services available to violence survivors. A report and improvement proposals were prepared concerning the status of homeless people and violence. Informational materials for disabled people were designed, printed, and distributed with visits to all residential cores.
January 2023 The Action Plan contains 55 actions and their execution within the given time frames.
July 2022 The Action Plan consists of 55 actions and their execution within the given time frames.

Connection of action to Reykjavík City's policies:

Reykjavík City departments:

Related actions