Exemptions regarding operating permits

Here are exemptions granted by the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Resources from specific articles of regulations are published here, in accordance with Article 41 of Act No. 7/1998 and Article 74 of Regulation No. 941/2002 on Hygiene, as applicable, after receiving comments from the health committee and the Environment Agency of Iceland.

Relevant inspection reports are also published as per the Ministry's instructions.

Expired exemptions

MT Iceland ehf. - asbestos removal at Ármúli 6

Based on the opinions of the Icelandic Environment Agency and Reykjavík Public Health (HER), and in accordance with Article 1 of Act No. 7/1998 on sanitary regulations and pollution prevention and the fifth paragraph of Article 4 of Regulation No. 550/2018 on emissions from commercial operations and pollution control, the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Affairs (URN) has granted MT Iceland ehf. ID 4711119-0160 a temporary exemption from the operating permit for asbestos removal in office property at Ármúli 6, ground floor, in Reykjavík (see the accompanying letter from URN and the inspection report from HER). This exemption is valid until an operating permit is issued, but not longer than until September 16, 2022.

Inspection by Reykjavík Public Health

Exemption - letter from the Ministry of Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources

Draft operating permit in public notice