AMIGOS is an acronym for "Active Mobility Innovations for Green and safe city sOlutionS" and the project is fully funded by the CINEA institution of the EU. AMIGOS was launched in June 2023 and is a 4-year collaborative project involving 28 entities (universities, institutions, companies) across 16 European countries and beyond.

In Reykjavík, there are plans for transportation improvements at Hlemmur.

Participate in the survey

Reykjavík City is looking for participants in a study that will analyze traffic safety and experience. Participants have a chance to win a gift certificate worth ISK 75,000.

Beðið eftir strætó (Mynd. Ragnar Th.)

Innovation project focused on safety and experience

AMIGOS is an innovation project focused on safety and experience. AMIGOS addresses the primary challenges in city transportation, exploring how to implement safe, affordable, and sustainable solutions that are inclusive of everyone, including the elderly, those with disabilities, and youth. The project will integrate cutting-edge technology and strategies in transportation to encourage active modes of travel, reduce car traffic, and harmonize the mix of different modes of transport in a fair and safe manner.

Changes around Hlemmur and the surrounding area in the coming years will be the main focus of Reykjavík's contribution to the project.


Participating in AMIGOS has numerous benefits. The main objectives and implementation of AMIGOS will support the actions of the Green Deal regarding carbon neutrality, green transportation, 15-minute neighborhoods, and focus on public health, an inclusive community, democratic participation, digital journey, and user-centered services.

Eco-friendly and carbon-neutral communities offer many advantages:

  • Enhance traffic safety and people's quality of life
  • Benefit the environment
  • Spur the economy
  • Reduce energy consumption and costs
  • Eco-friendly transportation and close proximity to shopping and services
  • Strengthen resilience against the impacts of climate change
  • Can serve as models for other cities in Europe - and globally


The AMIGOS project uses Hlemmur as a so-called Safety Improvement Area with significant changes now happening at Hlemmur with respect to high-quality public transportation and traffic safety.

Pedestrian traffic will be given high priority, with main walking directions being clear and prioritized where they intersect driving lanes. The square and buildings are designed with accessibility for all in mind.

Hlemmur will feature high-quality public transportation waiting areas, heated shelters with modern technology, and conveniences that welcome the service user.

Hlemmur framtíðar

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The involvement of the AMIGOS project includes preliminary analysis and implementation of stakeholder participation, as well as the methodology of co-creation around integrated urban models. The project will conduct systematic collection of mobility data (historical, mobile, observational) and data processing (big data platform, digital twinning, and modeling), along with art-related co-creation with stakeholders (gaming), with the aim of developing an 'Urban Mobility Toolbox' that could serve future political policy-making and action plans in urban transportation.

Qualitative surveys and analyses will also be conducted. The project will prepare for the implementation of solutions along with testing and measurement of performance-related factors such as assessments of environmental, safety, economic, social, and health impacts. AMIGOS will also handle the dissemination of solutions, communications, and examination of synergy effects in collaboration with related projects.

International innovation and research collaboration

Reykjavík City has systematically worked for several years to increase participation in international innovation and development projects, with involvement from Horizon 2020 and now Horizon Europe. This participation enhances the City's knowledge of progressive ideas and solutions.

Noteworthy large-scale collaborative projects the City has participated in recent years include PaCE, SPARCS, and IMPULSE. The oversight and execution of these projects are managed by the Economic and Urban Development at the Office of the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer, involving various City departments.

Contact person

The management of the project in Reykjavík is overseen by the Economic & Urban Development Team at the Office of the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer:

International research and innovation projects:

Team email:

Contact at Reykjavík City:

Hannah Rós Sigurðardóttir Tobin

Phone: +354 - 411 1111


AMIGOS is under contract with the EU's CINEA institution as part of the Horizon Europe research program – Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021-2027). Contract number: 101104268.