How is the construction of dwellings progressing in Reykjavík?

Presentation meeting on housing development in Reykjavík on November 17, 2023

The presentation will discuss where new dwellings are being constructed and future building areas, as well as the quality of the construction and the city's priorities with its urban design strategy.

Time and place

Sjálfstæðissalurinn (Independence Hall) at Hotel Parliament, and streaming on Friday, November 17, 2023, from 9am to 11am.

We will start with a morning refreshment at 8:30am.


The presentation was streamed on this website and a recording is available.


The meeting chair is Hulda Hallgrímsdóttir, Project Manager of Economic and City Development.

Brochure on housing development

  • A brochure on housing development in Reykjavík will be distributed on Thursday, November 16, and will also be available here in digital format

Forsíða blaðs - Uppbygging íbúða í borginni

Map view

Where are dwellings being built and what are the main planning areas?


Housing website

Reykjavík's Housing Plans and quarterly reports.

Overview of presentation meetings

Are you looking for more presentations on housing issues? We thought so and collected them on one page.