Dalbraut 18–20
Social activities
Dalbraut 18–20
105 Reykjavík

Opening hours
The social activities program at Dalbraut 18–20 is open weekdays from 9am–4pm
- Lunch is served between 11:30am-12:30pm (orders must be received by 1pm the day before)
- Afternoon coffee from 3pm to 4pm
- 9am-11:30am Painting
- 1pm Bridge
- 9:30am Arts and crafts
- 1:30pm Social card games
- 9:30am Arts and crafts with Rannveig
- 2:40pm Trip to Bónus
- 2pm Social hour from Laugarneskirkja, see ad in Morgunblaðið
- 2pm Singing with Sigrún, every other Thursday, advertised in Morgunblaðið
- 10:15am Chair exercises
- Bookmobile visits on Thursdays 1pm-1:30pm
- Guðrún's Hair Salon tel. 553 3884 (is open weekdays except for Mondays)
- Nurse visits every other Tuesday 10am-12pm
- Other events are advertised in the house's social program and in the Morgunblaðið column on senior social activities.
Strætó public transport
The nearby bus routes are number 12 and 14.
About the social activities
This is a service open to all Reykjavík residents without any special conditions. To participate in social activities, you don't need to apply - just show up on site. If you plan to attend specific classes or trips, you'll need to register.
Throughout the city, there are 17 active community centers open to Reykjavík residents of all ages. The goal of social activities is to prevent and lessen social isolation by offering open community and leisure activities along with a variety of classes. Social activities serves as a platform for community, human interactions, and creative pursuits.