
After-school program

Hólabrekkuskóli at Suðurhólar 10
111 Reykjavík


About Álfheimar

Open all weekdays from 1:40pm to 5pm

Álfheimar is an after-school program for 1st and 2nd graders from Hólabrekkuskóli and is operated by the Miðberg recreation center. The program is run within the school and has access to the school's dining hall and other rooms. Normally about 95 kids attend each day.

The Director is Berglind Ósk Guðmundsdóttir, Tel: 695-5139

Assistant Director is Olga Dröfn Ingólfsdóttir, Tel: 665-4820 


Extended attendance

On professional development days, parent conference days, and during Christmas and Easter holidays, Álfheimar is open all day from 8am to 5pm with prior registration. There is an additional charge for extended stays on these days. Álfheimar is closed during the school's winter holidays.


Want to know more about Álfheimar? In this very short video, we give a glimpse of the after-school program.

Daily activities

Álfheimar is a place where we primarily want children to feel good, safe and where professional work is conducted. At Álfheimar, staff with diverse backgrounds contribute to an ambitious and varied program. We emphasize enhancing children's self-esteem and consistently work with respect in interactions. Álfheimar puts great effort into organized club activities and always offers free play where children can develop both their interests and social skills.

Practical information

Action plan

Want to know more about the focus of the work at Álfheimar?

  • The action plan will be published here shortly

Fee schedule

Here you can access the fee schedule for the school year and summer break activities in after-school programs. You'll also find information on sibling discounts and various other details.

Farsæld barna

Ný lög um samþætta þjónustu í þágu farsældar barna  hafa tekið gildi. Markmiðið er að tryggja að börn og forsjáraðilar fái rétta aðstoð, á réttum tíma, frá réttum aðilum. Fjölskyldum og börnum sem þurfa snemmtækan stuðning er tryggður aðgangur að tengilið farsældar í nærumhverfi barnsins, svo sem í leikskóla eða grunnskóla. Tengiliður farsældar veitir upplýsingar og leiðbeiningar um þjónustu og stuðlar að því að börn og forsjáraðilar hafi aðgang að þjónustu án hindrana. Til að óska eftir samþættri þjónustu geta börn, ungmenni og forsjáraðilar haft samband við tengilið farsældar.

Upplýsingar um tengiliði farsældar fyrir börn í frístundaheimilinu Álfheimum má finna á heimasíðu Hólabrekkuskóla 

Nánari upplýsingar um lögin og þjónustuna eru á heimasíðunni farsaeldbarna.is​