CoR emergency management

The CoR's emergency management has a role to play in coordinating action and taking emergency measures when an emergency situation arises in order to prioritise statutory services, socially important activities, ensure public order and minimise potential social harm.
Emergencies can arise when community safety and infrastructure are threatened, such as by natural hazards, when the environment and health are threatened, and when technological or other hazards are created.
At the emergency level, it is necessary to prioritize projects and defend the foundations of the city's services in order to sustain the most essential activities. The mayor, together with the city council, goes with the city executive. The professional areas, offices and companies of the city are each responsible for the services they provide.
At the emergency stage of contingency plans, the city emergency management is activated. Alternatively, the city's administrative structure remains the same and each manager is responsible for his/her site/site according to the standard organisation.
Emergency Management Authorizations
The emergency management is empowered to make decisions and incur expenses in excess of what is stated in the budget in the event of an emergency, in such cases that their delivery cannot be tolerated. The City Council grants other necessary authorisations for special financial issues and is in the state of emergency where an extraordinary general meeting may be required.
The CoR's emergency management functions according to the CoR's emergency response plan.
The member of the group is responsible for meeting invitation, meeting preparation, meeting drafting and processing in consultation with the mayor.
CoR emergency response plan
Ship Emergency Management
A day. B. Financial statements Mayor Eggertsson, President-in-Office of the Council.
Olaf Örvarsdóttir is the Sector Manager for Environment and Planning.
Regina Ásvvalddóttir is the Regional Director for Welfare.
Árný Sigurðardóttir, Director of the CoR's Health Department Lóna Birgisdóttir is the Sector Manager Human Resources and the Environment.
Oscar J. Sandholt is the Area Manager for Services and Innovation.
Bjarni Brynjólfsson Information Manager.
Helgi Grímsson, Area Director for School and Recreation
Lóa Þórdís Þórhallsdóttir is the chairman of the city council.
Helga Björk Laxdal, Mayor's Office.
Mr Oli Jon Hertervig representing property.
Helga Björg Ragnarsdóttir is the clerk of the mayor and the city secretary.
Ebba Schram City Attorney.
Omar Einarsson is the Site Manager for Sports and Recreation.
Arna Schram is the Sector Manager for Culture and Tourism.
Halldora Káradóttir is the Sector Manager for Finance and Risk Management.
Anna Kristinsdóttir, Human Rights Manager.
Dagný Ingadóttir Head of the Department of the Office of the Mayor and City Clerk
Main partners:
Work is being carried out with the Metropolitan Operations Directorate, other emergency management boards of the Metropolitan Municipalities, as well as other agencies relevant within and outside a municipality.
Term of office:
The CoR's emergency management functions in the period 2020-2022.