Workplace at Reykjavík City

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All the information about Workplace that can be useful in your daily work.

How do I log into Workplace?

What is Workplace?

Workplace is a communication platform for workplaces. Workplace has the same features and interface as Facebook, as it is developed by the same company. The Workplace solution is specifically tailored for business and institutional environments.


FAQs about Workplace

Why do we use Workplace at Reykjavík City?

  1. To enhance communication and improve information flow within the city, across departments, divisions, and interdisciplinary teams. This will bring people closer together, strengthen cohesion, and make the workplace smaller.

  2. Workplace enhances collaboration, knowledge sharing, and workflows. With the proper use of Workplace, inquiries, phone calls, and emails can be reduced.

  3. Workplace is a private and secure communication channel for Reykjavík City staff. Workplace is an access-controlled solution. Staff automatically receive invitation for registration. Access is terminated upon termination of employment.

  4. Workplace enables all Reykjavík City staff to share news and various information within their own groups. Staff are strongly encouraged to actively participate in news distribution in their groups, both verbally and visually.

What are the first steps on Workplace?

  • It's important to complete registration right at the start, then proceed to join appropriate groups, create a group if needed, follow colleagues, adjust notifications, and download the mobile apps (Facebook Workplace and Facebook Workplace Chat).
  • The apps are incredibly useful and will likely handle the bulk of information flow in the future.
  • The apps work both inside and outside of Reykjavík City, regardless of specific data connections.

Are you overwhelmed by notification emails?

Workplace emails all notifications about everything happening on the platform. News, events, discussions and more for new users.

Reykjavík City staff are encouraged to go into Workplace settings (both in the browser and the smartphone app) and adjust to their own needs. You can easily turn off these settings.

Is Workplace connected to my personal Facebook account?


  • Workplace is not Facebook, even though it is made by the same company.
  • The appearance, the interface and the functionality are the same.
  • No information flows between Facebook and Workplace.
  • Workplace is a work tool while Facebook is a personal networking platform.
  • You can have both Workplace and Facebook open in the same browser and easily switch between them.

Are there specific communication rules on Workplace?


  • It is important to maintain the same professional practices and behavior on Workplace as in any other work for Reykjavík City.
  • Workplace must not be used to share sensitive information about individuals or sensitive operations.
  • Workplace is not a case filing or document storage system and should not be used as such.
  • The same principles of privacy apply to Workplace as elsewhere.