Cooperation project of carbon-neutral cities

In September 2023, the NetZeroCities initiative, which supports European cities' journey towards carbon neutrality and smart technologies by 2030, launched a 20-month project to enhance city collaboration, known as the Twin City Connection.
The NetZeroCities project receives funding from the Horizon 2020, the European Union's research programme.
What is the project about?
Reykjavík applied to join this initiative and was selected to partner with Lahti in Finland. Reykjavík and Lahti collaborate on eco-friendly transportation and promoting active travel. This is especially important for Reykjavík, as car transport accounted for 70% of total greenhouse gas emissions in 2021, according to emission inventories.
A key element of this project is that the twin cities exchange knowledge and experience in climate projects. Lahti serves as a pilot city for NetZeroCities and was named the European Green Capital in 2021, providing Reykjavík with a valuable opportunity for learning and adopting good practices.
Since the cities were matched in September 2023, efforts have been made to establish a framework for knowledge sharing and discussion.

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Project objectives
Reykjavík participates in this knowledge exchange and develops solutions to advance in environmental issues. The project aims to:
- Educate residents and businesses about the benefits of environmentally friendly transportation, along with building knowledge within the city administration.
- Accelerate transformation towards a carbon-neutral Reykjavík by 2030.
- Follow the climate and transportation policy, adjusting strategies to meet the real transportation needs of residents in the capital area.
- Spread new knowledge within the city administration and to residents and businesses.
Working group
A working group has been formed within Reykjavík City, consisting of officers from the Department of Environment & Planning and the Economic & Urban Development Team at the Mayor's office and Chief Executive Officer's (CEO's) office. Under guidance from ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) advisors, the group will work to encourage and enhance the use of active transportation among residents.
Working group members:
- Sylva LamBREEAM AP, Project Manager of International Climate Projects, Economic & Urban Development Team, Mayor's and CEO's Office
- Dr. Harpa Sif Eyjólfsdóttir - Project Manager, Economic & Urban Development Team, Mayor's and CEO's Office
- Hildur Sif Hreinsdóttir - Project Manager of Green Steps, Department of Environment & Planning
- Hrönn Hrafnsdóttir – Head of Climate Issues, Municipal Planning and Climate Affairs, Department of Environment & Planning
- Nils Schwarzkopp - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) - Civil Engineer, Office of Transportation and Urban Design, Department of Environment & Planning
Further information
The project is managed by the Economic & Urban Development Team at the Mayor's and CEO's Office in cooperation with the Department of Environment & Planning of Reykjavík City.
International research and innovation projects:
Team email:
Contact at Reykjavík City:
Sylva Lam, Project Manager of International Climate Projects
Project Manager of Climate Issues, Project Leader of SPARCS
Phone: +(354) 760-8815
The project receives funding from the Horizon 2020, the European Union's research programme, under grant agreement No. 101036519