Reykjavík City tables of fees

Here is an overview of all the City's tables of fees.
Department of Culture & Sport
- Reykjavík City Library - Fees
- Reykjavík City Museum - Fees
- Culture Pass - Fees
- Reykjavík City Card - Fees
- Reykjavík Art Museum - Fees
- Hall rentals at Gerðuberg Library - Fees
- Reykjavík Family Park & Zoo — Fees
- Fees for keeping dogs
- Fees for swimming pools
- Siglunes Sailing — Fees (IS)
- Hot water beach — Fees
Department of Education & Youth
- Fees for after-school programs and youth centers
- Preschool fees for children of Icelandic nationals legally residing abroad
- Preschool fees
- Operational and housing subsidies for independent preschools - nursery schools (IS)
- Operational and housing subsidies for independent preschools - older children (IS)
- Subsidy for children staying with day parents
- School band fees
- Language Center fees
Department of Environment & Planning
- Building Commissioner fee schedule
- Parking garage tariffs
- Parking Service - fee schedule
- Rules on Parking Tariffs in Reykjavík (IS)
- Fees for renting traffic signs and flag pole stands
- Sewerage fee
- Road construction fee
- Car sharing fees
- Waste collection fees
- Usage license fees
- Fees for street vending
- Fees — horse capturing
- Fees for pollution and health monitoring in Reykjavík City (IS)
- Guidelines for municipal fees charged for health and pollution monitoring services (IS)
- Geospatial Information Division fees
- Fees for vegetable gardens
- Measurement Division fees
- Fees for outsourced work
- Fees for planning work and issuance of development permits