Support family payments

Article 1

Support family in accordance with the Child Protection Act, No. 80/ 2002 Amount in 2024
Payments per 24 hours 30,885
Stress Fee 40,115
Special Stress Fee 57,070


Article 2

A support family within the meaning of the Act on Services for Disabled People with Long-Term Support Needs, No 38/2018 Amount in 2024
Care category 1 – payment for 24 hours 55,245
Care category 2 – payment for 24 hours 42,750
Care category 3 – payment for 24 hours 32,915


Article 3

This fee schedule is based on Article 15 of Act on Services for Disabled People with Long-Term Support Needs No 38/2018 and Article 85 the Child Protection Act No 80/2002.

This tariff enters into force on January 1, 2024, superseding the previously applicable tariff.