Usage license fees

Issuance of a usage permit for Reykjavík City municipal land.

2025 table of fees

Description Price in kr.
Administration fee 0
Scope category 1 - Minor facility creation 53,500
Scope category 1a - Significant facility creation 275,450
Scope category 2 - Major facility creation 574,600
Scope category 3 - Minor developments 256,150
Scope category 3a - Major developments 449,150
Scope category 4 - Major developments 786,900
Scope category 5 - Small events or minor maintenance 0


The tariff applies to one usage license issued for a maximum of one year at a time.


What do the categories mean?

Scope category 1

Significant administration due to processing/approval of usage permits and supervision utilizing the surface of city land for minor construction works by private entities or small events or filming.

Scope category 2

Considerable administration due to processing/approval of usage permits and supervision utilizing the surface of city land for larger facility creation, events, or filming.

Scope category 3

Significant administration due to the processing/approval of usage permits and supervision involving the disruption of the surface of city land for minor development, maintenance, and utility work.

Scope category 4

Considerable administration due to the processing/approval of usage permits and supervision involving the disruption of the surface of city land for densification of settlements, including medium to larger development areas.

Scope category 5

Minimal administration due to the processing/approval of usage permits and supervision regarding the issuance of usage permits for simple re-issuance, moving containers, student projects from film schools, street grills/festivals, and short-term use (part of the day) by individuals for maintenance related to properties/gardens. No administration fee is collected in this category.


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