Medication dispensers
Medication dispensers assist people in taking their medications at the right time and in the right dosage on their own. Medication dispensers are well-suited for individuals who need daily assistance and follow-up with medications.
The home care staff places pre-dosed medication into the medication dispenser, containing the user's medications for the next 2-4 weeks. When it is time for medication, the dispenser emits an audio or voice reminder to remind users to take their medications at the right time and in the right dosage. If medications are not taken on time, home care staff will receive a notification in the central system and can respond appropriately.
The goal of using medication dispensers is for users to experience increased independence, safety, and comfort. With the changing population age distribution, there is an increased need for healthcare services. Additionally, societal norms are changing, and expectations for accessibility, quality, and responsiveness of services are increasing. Automatic medication dispensing enables users to take their medications independently and within a set timeframe. With the introduction of the medication dispenser, home care staff have increased time to serve users, thereby increasing the efficiency and productivity of the service.
Test results
Initial test results show that medication dispensers save time and increase the efficiency of the service. Users report feeling safe and generally satisfied with the service.
Resident experience
The experience of residents receiving services from Reykjavík City’s Department of Welfare with the automatic medication dispensers.
Residents' medication dispenser experience.
Gunnar's experience with medication dispensers.
Ingibjörg's experience with medication dispensers.
Ragnheiður's experience with medication dispensers.
Contact us
Contact us for more information about medication dispensers or other projects of the Welfare Technology Center.