Residents wanted

Do you want to influence City services?


Have you used any City services and have ideas on how we could improve them? To provide good services, it's vital we understand the experiences of the people using them. This way, we can do better and tailor services to the different needs of residents. We are, therefore, looking for interested people who live in Reykjavík and want to make a real impact on their city.

How does it work?

  1. Sign up on the user list
  2. Whenever we launch a new digital project, we send an email to everyone who signed up
  3. You could meet us for interviews, answer surveys, or test digital services
  4. We use the results to change, improve, or redesign our services
  5. Everybody who takes part can impact the City's services by sharing their experiences. That way, we all win!


Projects are diverse, ranging from enrolling in preschool and primary school to online building permit applications. Not all projects are relevant to all participants and there's no obligation to participate. You can always unsubscribe from our mailing list.