Kjalarnes - Saltvík

Change in zoning

The Environment and Planning Council on March 15, 2023, and the Reykjavík City Executive Council on March 30, 2023, approved advertising a proposal to change the land-use plan for Saltvík in Kjalarnes. The proposed change involves moving areas C and D closer to the existing road and moving area C further from area B. For more details on the proposal, refer to the presentation materials.

The proposal is available on the website, www.reykjavik.is, under planning in presentation. View the proposal on a computer screen at the Reykjavík City Service Center, Borgartún 12-14, 1st floor. Hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 4pm, Friday 8:30am to 2:30pm, from April 25, 2023, to June 9, 2023. Those who believe they have stakes in the matter are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the proposal.

Submit suggestions and comments on the proposal in writing to the Planning Officer or by email to skipulag@reykjavik.is by June 9, 2023. Please use the provided email address for comments submitted via email.

The Department of Environment & Planning uses personal data provided in planning comments, such as ID numbers, names, and email addresses, to process comments and identify residents. After the announcement period, documents are kept for 30 years before transfer to the National Archives of Iceland under Act No. 77/2014 on Public Archives. More information on Reykjavík City's handling of personal data is available here.

Note that comments are considered public documents in all planning processes. Residents' names may appear in Planning & Transportation Council meeting minutes online.