Approved teaching solutions

Teikning af fjórum unglingum.

Care must be taken in selecting and using software for school activities to ensure the safety of the students and their data.

Before digital technology is implemented in schools and for recreational activities, an extensive analysis process is conducted, which includes risk assessments, processing agreements, and evaluating the impact on data protection. The principal is responsible for the use of information technology in their school and must educate parents about the approved use of the teaching solution.




Approved teaching solutions

Apple School Manager

Book Creator for iPad

Cricut smart cutting machines

Google Workspace for Education

Lego Spike Education

Stop Motion Studio Pro

The company does not collect or process user personal information. There is no need to log in. All projects/data created in the teaching solution are stored either on the user’s device, except when working on a Chromebook, then the projects/data are saved in the user's Google Drive.

Note that it is not permitted to use the teaching solution if students are logged in to an iPad with an Apple ID.

Extensive analysis process

The City of Reykjavík follows a specific procedure and software is evaluated, among other things, on:


  • Age restrictions
  • Collection of personal data
  • Whether data is stored inside or outside Europe
  • Whether ads are associated with usage
  • Whether the software collects metadata and log data
  • Whether the software creates personal profiles used for marketing purposes
  • How to delete data and accounts at the end of schooling or when the software is no longer in use
  • That the software meets information security requirements such as regular updates
Illustration of students in a classroom