Mixtúra is Reykjavík's Department of Education & Youth's Creation & Information Technology Studio, with a main focus on professional development, communication, and counseling on creative and advanced technology use in learning, teaching, and work.
At the Resource Bank, SFS staff can borrow various digital devices free of charge, aimed at enabling them to explore innovations in digital equipment that can be used in teaching and social and recreational activities.
Explore the possibilities
Mixtúra professional development
Creative technology
Digital learning
Búnaðarbanki SFS
Í Búnaðarbanka SFS getur starfsfólk skóla- og frístundasviðs kynnt sér og fengið fjölbreytt náms- og kennslugögn að láni án endurgjalds.
Support for staff of the Department of Education & Youth
This section could include text about creative educational activities
Sköpunar- og tækniver skóla- og frístundasviðs Reykjavíkur
Mixtúra er staðsett á Menntavísindasviði HÍ við Stakkahlíð, í stofu K-101 og K-104 í Kletti.
Opnunartími Búnaðarbankans:
Mánudagar frá kl. 13:30-15:00
Föstudagar frá kl. 9-11 og 13:30-15:00
Þú getur haft samband með tölvupósti: mixtura@reykjavik.is
Sími 411 7080