
All middle and upper primary school students in city-run primary schools will have access to a learning device, either a Chromebook or an iPad. Having your own learning device increases the possibilities for more varied project work and many forms of support for learning.

Students receive access to Google Workspace for Education, where teachers post study materials and instructions in Google Classrooms and where students deliver digital assignments.

Where Do I Start?

You need to use your school email to sign in to the Chromebook and Google Workspace for Education.

Google leiðbeiningar

Google Classroom er stafrænn skóli þar sem kennarar þínir bjóða þér í skólastofur sínar. Þar geta þeir sett inn námsefni, kennsluáætlun, ítarefni, hlekki á gagnlegar vefsíður og kennslumyndskeið. Þeir geta deilt með þér skjölum, sett inn fyrirmæli og búið til skilahólf fyrir þig.

Good to Know

Fæ ég tölvu í skólanum?

Adolescent students will be provided with learning aids in the fall of 2021 and mid-level students in the following years.

Hvað geri ég ef tækið bilar eða týnist?

Contact the school immediately if something happens to computer equipment provided by the school.

No one intends to lose or damage equipment, but the accidents can happen. Parents/guardians are not required to pay for damages unless the damages are intentional.

Má ég fara með tækið heim?

It is at your teacher's discretion when you will be allowed to take the device home.

Samskipti á netinu

  • Be polite and clear in your case (irony can cause misunderstandings in written language).
  • Get permission before sharing photos and videos.
  • Never share images that are humiliating or harmful in any way.
  • Never forward images from other stations, including the distribution.
  • Check your rights, for example, no one can post a photo of you without permission.
  • If you're experiencing something uncomfortable, turn to an adult.
  • If in doubt, seek advice from an adult.
  • Get involved in creating good online habits.
  • Remember, the Internet doesn't forget anything.

Stafræn borgaravitund

Stafræn borgaravitund (e. digital citizenship) að vera stafrænn borgari, er að hafa þekkingu, færni og viðhorf sem þarf til að sýna ábyrga og virðingarverða hegðun þegar tækni er notuð. Við innleiðingu námstækja í skólum borgarinnar eru allir hvattir til að skerpa á góðum netvenjum.

Cybersecurity & Privacy

It is important what software is used in school, and we need to keep you safe and secure online.

Software must be assessed for risks before using it in school and recreation.
The following questions need to be answered: What data is processed? Where is the data stored? Can it be deleted? Are any advertisements related to the usage?