Accessibility and disabled people

Description of the action and objectives

Green Deal action

Experts at the Human Rights & Democracy Office handle responsibilities including oversight of the Intercultural Council, issues related to immigrants, inclusion, and education on these topics.

Implementation period

Ongoing projects.

Status: In progress

Status report on January 1, 2024

According to Chapter 3 of the Accessibility Policy, a checklist on accessibility was created for events organized by the City. The Reykjavík Accessibility Policy is available on a subpage on the City website. Implementation of the Policy has been delayed, but efforts are ongoing to hire an accessibility officer who will start in early 2024.

Older status reports

Timing Progress description
July 2023 The position of accessibility officer for Reykjavík City will be advertised in September 2023.
January 2023 Reykjavík City's Accessibility Policy was approved by City Council in May 2022. The Accessibility and Coordination Committee on Disability Issues, appointed by city councilors and association officers, meets regularly and works on interconnected actions from the Policy’s Action Plan. Actions have been mapped out for the year 2023 and their implementation is underway.
July 2022 Reykjavík City's Accessibility Policy was approved by City Council in May 2022. The Accessibility and Coordination Committee on Disability Issues, appointed by city councilors and association officers, meets regularly and works on interconnected actions from the Policy’s Action Plan. Actions have been mapped out for the year 2023 and their implementation is underway.

Connection of action to Reykjavík City's policies:

Reykjavík City departments: