Air quality in Reykjavík

A healthy atmosphere is an important resource and underpinned by good health and well-being. The impact of polluted atmospheres on health is becoming increasingly evident and certain groups are perceived to be more vulnerable to air pollution. These groups include children, people with asthma, lung and/or cardiovascular diseases.

Air Quality Measuring Stations

You can check the air quality in the Air Quality Monitoring Centres of the Environmental Protection Agency on the Border and in the Family and House Zoo and the two centres of the National Health Service on air quality. One of the Health Authority's air quality terminals is now located at the Cottage Road/Highway intersection, while the other is located at West Village Swimming Pool. The health department monitors the measurement results and issues notifications if necessary.

General about the water conservation area

Since 1990, the CoR has been monitoring air quality. Five air quality measurement stations are located in the city: two fixed stations on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency located at the intersection of Great Lakes and Borderlands and in the Family and House Zoo (FHG), two portable air quality measurement stations on behalf of the National Health Service, and then two stations on behalf of Energy and Nature located in Norðlingaholt and Lambhaga. The mobile measuring stations of the health unit are transported between points of interest for measurement of air quality. The materials being measured vary between stations, but by clicking on each measurement station you can see which materials are being measured at that location.

Here, three regulations on pollution of the atmosphere are taken into account, in which reference and health protection limits can be found for which it is considered desirable not to exceed. These regulations are based on the directives established by the European Union and should ensure good air quality for the general public.

The public can monitor the results of measurements located in Reykjavík at.

Benchmark and Health Promotion Limits

Air quality in Reykjavik is generally good, but nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and fraud (PM10) are the substances most likely to exceed health protection levels. Other atmospheric pollutants measured in the city include sulphur (H2S), carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and benzene (C6H6), but are generally well below the limit values in Reykjavik.

Air Quality Contingency Plan

There is a response team in Reykjavík, based on the Air Quality Response Plan, which, among other things, sends out alerts if air quality is likely to exceed health limits and decides what countermeasures to take. In March 2009, the Committee of the Regions adopted the Air Quality Contingency Plan, pursuant to Air Quality Regulation No. 787/1999, first among all municipalities in The contingency plan includes short-term measures to avoid exceeding health protection levels, in particular with regard to air pollution from different sources of pollution. The plan addresses all major pollutants in ambient air from known sources and takes action on which action can be taken. The contingency plan was last updated in 2020.

In the context of the contingency plan, a contingency team is in place that assesses whether to send out warnings to the public that air quality is likely to exceed health limits or is already above limits and predicts future air quality. The response team also decides whether to go out on mitigation measures at all times and then what the consequences are. The response team includes members from the Department of Health, the Office of Transportation and Civil Design, and the Office of City Land Operations and Care. The team also includes a representative from the State Roads Administration.

Heilbrigðiseftirlit Reykjavíkur

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